이해관계자 참여
에버라이트는 다양한 소통 채널과 플랫폼을 통해 이해관계자의 목소리에 귀를 기울인다. 또한 이해관계자의 제안과 관심 의제를 조직전략 및 운영계획에 포함하고, 이를 본 보고서 공개의 기초 참고 자료로 삼는다. 본 연간보고서는 AA1000 SES 이해관계자 강화 기준(Stakeholder Engagement Standards)의 5대 원칙을 운용한다. CSR보고서 편집팀과 각 부서, 외부 컨설팅 업체가 함께 토론하고 동종업의 이해관계자 그룹을 참고해 의존성, 책임성, 영향력, 다양한 관점, 긴장감 등 특징에 근거해 평가한다. 상기 원칙의 분석을 통해 확립한 주요 소통 대상에는 직원, 주주, 지역사회 주민, 공급업체, 도급업체, 고객, 대리상, 미디어, 정부 기관, 학술연구기관, 공협회 등 11개 주요 이해관계자가 포함된다.
주요 주제 검증
Everlight idenifies eleven types of stakeholders, including employees, customers. contractors, shareholders, suppliers, distributors, govem mment agencies, academic and research institutions, cooperatives and associations, media, and community residents through the internal discussion within the CSR Execution Team as well as taking the stakeholder groups identified by other companies.
The collection comes from external and intemal sources. The external sources include sustainability reports published by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). 33 sustainability issues based on the GRI Standards are first selected, and then the 'patents," "none-use of conflict minerals, " integrity operation," "image of sustainable enterprise, "green product." and "climate change and greenhouse gas" are added in according to their relevance and Everlight's industrial characteristics to compile a total of 39 sustainability issues that can be used as the design guidelines for attention and impact questionnaires.
Questionnaires are distributed to conduct the survey of levels of stakeholders' attention to sustainability issues (assessment and decisions affected stakeholders) and impact of the sustainable operation (obvious impact on the economics, society and environment). Thus,they can be used as reference for the ranking of sustainability issues. In 2019, Everlight received 326 copies of question nnaires returned by CSR stakeholders, of which, 276 were about the attention to issues, and 50 (filled in by Everlight's high executives) were on the impact.
After the anallysis on quest tionnaire, the matrix x analysis was penformed on the soores of the attention on sustainability issues and the impact level of sustainable operation. Topics with a score higher than 3.7 are prioritized and sorted in order. CSR execution team idenified 17 significant sustainability issues and disclosed their management guidelines after the intemal discussion and refeming to data from other industry players.
The value chain regarding the analyzed major signiicant issues was part of the boundary value analysis factors. In the future, Everlight will continue to improve its management and disclose the relevant infomation in its sustainability development report.