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Nichia’s Patent was expired and Everlight’s products are not affected

Shulin District, New Taipei City, Taiwan, July 19, 2021 –In response to Nichia’s press release on July 19 on their website about the Germany proceeding, Everlight states that the proceeding is still in progress and is not a final judgment. Everlight believes that a favorable judgment will be obtained. Everlight declares that Nichia’s European patent EP936682 (and its equivalent Germany counterpart Germany patent DE69702929) was expired on July 29, 2017. Therefore, Everlight’s and WOFI’s products are not affected in any way.

Everlight has filed invalidation trial procedures against Nichia ‘s YAG patents in United States, Australia, China and Taiwan. Everlight has received these winning judgements:

  1. Supreme Court of the United States has decided that the asserted claims of Nichia’s US YAG patents US5,998,925 and US7,531,960 are invalid.
  2. High Court of Australia has decided that the asserted claims of Nichia’s Australia patent 720234 are invalid.
  3. China Supreme People’s Court has decided that Nichia’s China YAG patent CN200610095837.4 is invalid.
  4. Taiwan Supreme Administrative Court has decided that Nichia’s Taiwan YAG patent TW383508 is invalid.


EVERLIGHT respects intellectual property rights and will devote to the protection of customers’ and shareholders’ benefits and rights.

About EVERLIGHT Electronics Co. Ltd.

Everlight는1983년 Robert Yeh 회장 아래에 대만 타이페이에 설립되었으며, 38년의 R&D 경험을 통해 믿을 수 있는 역량을 구축했다. 빠른 고객 요구 대처와 뛰어난 브랜드 인지도를 통해, Everlight는 세계LED시장에서 TOP 5위를 달성했다. 최고의 품질과 서비스 보장을 위해, 제품은 본사에서 직접 생산 및 패키징 한다.
Everlight는 Hight power LED, SMD LED, 램프, 광 부품, LED 조명 모듈, 디지털 디스플레이,포토커플러, 적외선 부품 등 다양한 분야의 포트폴리오를 제공하고 있다. 오늘날 Everlight는 글로벌 회사로 도약하여, 세계 각지에 6400명 이상의 직원을 보유하고 있다. (중국, 홍콩, 일본, 한국, 싱가포르, 말레이시아, 인도, 독일, 미국 등)
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